The Catacombs, Paris, France | Tour Guide

by - February 12, 2021

The Catacombs, Paris, France
Picture Copyright: The Catacombs, Paris, France

In 2004 the PARISIAN POLICE charged to make educational maneuvers in earlier novel part of Catacombs of Paris below Palais de Chaillot. Entering catacombs through leak, officials at first faced the sign which read "A building site, any access", and the camera which actively made record of images of those who passed is a little further in. As officials approached the camera, record of bark of dogs was called.

The police which occurred more deeply in tunnels and the found cave on 500 square meters with completely equipped movie theater. It turned on the huge screen of movie theater, the equipment for design, chairs and a handful of movies, from movie noir classics to recent thrillers. Someone turned this thrown underground cave into a confidential amphitheater. Besides, in following "number", the police found completely supplied bar and restaurant, together with tables and chairs. Opening left police confused, not to mention professional installation of electricity and three phone lines.

Three days later the police returned with experts from the French Commission on Electricity to try to find out where the power arrived from. Cables were cut also the note lying on the read floor, "Don't try to find us".

Tunnels of a pit existed on the outskirts of Paris since the Roman times. Limestone in these pits constructed Paris as we know that it today, and eventually, helped the city to extend to such an extent when, pits were directly under busy Metropol. About 200 miles of labyrinthine tunnels as believe, exist.

Despite the extensive length of the tunnelled, underground world, only its small section it is open for the public. This tiny portion known as Denfert-Rochereau Crypt, or more usually, "Catacombs", became one of the main tourist attractions in Paris.

In the popular place, bone remains of about six - seven million former Parisians are placed. Not all areas of Catacombs are open for the public. Back at the end of the 18th century, the cemetery became overpopulated. Cemeteries, such as Les Innocents were so filled by the dead that it led to the improper funeral open for graves, and dug out corpses. Neighbors began to get sick with infectious diseases because of unhealthy conditions of the cemetery.

The Catacombs, Paris, France
Picture Copyright: The Catacombs, Paris, France

Les Innocents wasn't the only cemetery which was condemned. Many other cemeteries became overpopulated, calling problems for residents of Paris. With tons of empty pits police and the priests equally carefully set bones to the repaired part of a tunnel for the period between 1787 and 1814. As some famous people were buried at those "crowded" cemeteries probably that their bones were passed Catacombs. Some prominent French who remove from bones could be placed in Catacombs, Charles Perrault (known for the Little Red Riding Hood, the Puss in Boots and the Cinderella), Jean de La Fontaine (known for Fables), Simon Vouyet (painter), Salomon de Brosse (architect who designed the Luxembourg Palace in Paris), and Francois Girardon (sculptor). 

Catacombs became a popular place of interest for the royal families and important people and in 1867, the area was open for general public.

Because of their old age, career not the part of official Catacombs were considered as unsafe Parisian officials. Nevertheless, the size and length of tunnels prevent to keep a secret societies, thieves, artists and the curious public from an entrance to dangerous network.

In the 1980th the movement was devoted to a research of tunnels. After opening of confidential movie theater, Patrick Olk, the photographer close to responsible group told that opening "was a disgrace, but not doomsday". There are dozens of other meeting places just as that the police found in a mysterious labyrinth. It finished, speaking, "you guys don't know what to be there".

Because of vandalism and theft of several skulls, catacombs were closed from October, 2009 to December of the same year. With repeated opening of the place there arrives additional safety and checks of a bag after transition.

Know before you go

It is a popular place of interest, and expectation to enter often is more than hour. To avoid a long queue, buy the tickets in advance. Other council would go there to a low season and outside the French School break.

For safety and the reasons of preservation, it is forbidden to bring suitcases and baggage to Catacombs. On the place there are no conveniences of wardrobe.

The Catacombs, Paris, France | Tour Guide

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