Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA | Tour Guide

by - February 12, 2021

Collision of a human mistake and natural geothermal pressure created this geological surprise of color of the rainbow.

Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA
Picture Copytight: Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA

THIS Blek-Rok LOOKING ON the ALIEN GEYSER On the edge of the Desert is actually made by the person. But it wasn't placed there purposely.

The property of Rancho of Polet is located in Geothermal Apartments of Nevada of Hualapai, the area known for its unique geothermal pools. On property there are three geysers. The first, known as the Wizard, was created more than 100 years ago, during effort to make the desert applicable for agriculture. Drilling well, workers strike geothermal water which made about 200 degrees Fahrenheit. As water wasn't suitable for agricultural use, this geyser was left alone. the 10-12-foot cone of a carbonate of calcium is created as a result of the content of mineral substances of water.

In 1964 the geothermal energy company drilled the test well on the same place. They struck the same water which was hotter, but not rather hot in their purposes. It was well, presumably, again sealed, but apparently, the cap didn't keep. The new, bigger geyser appeared in several hundred feet north of the original. The taken-away its pressure of water, older cone remains active, but on significantly reduced rate.

This second geyser, now known as Polet's Geyser, grew as minerals from water were deposited into the surfaces of the desert. It has several opening having the cone form which the sizes of six feet height have, and sits on a high embankment.

The third geyser known as the Desire Geyser found in 2006 as believe natural origin. This formation of a volcanic form grows with a speed of six inches a year.

As there are several streams of a geyser, this geyser didn't create a cone, so big as the first, but instead constantly growing is alien the looking embankment which shoots at water to five feet in air. The geyser is covered with mineral deposits and thermophilic seaweed which prospers in the crude, hot environment. The combination led to several shades of green and red color which add to this world emergence.

In June, 2016 the noncommercial Burning Project of the Person bought the property of Rancho of Polet for $6.5 million. Their mission is in protecting and restoring the habitats found in limits of 3.800-akrovy property which include boggy places, springs, fields of a wormwood and a playa. In May, 2018 they opened the ranch for the public for the first time in two decades.

Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA
Picture Copytight: Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA

Know before you go

The geyser is visible from the state Route 34 North of the city of Dzherlak.

Public visits aren't allowed, but Friends of owners Black Rock Huy-Rock weekly walks in the forest on property from April to October. These walks in the forest without devices, and to visitors don't allow to take pictures during walk. At the end of walk you will have time to receive your camera and to be enough some photos.

Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA | Tour Guide

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