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TravelValve Blog is a collective blog of expert travel writers, who report on trends, experiences, festivals and nocturnal adventures in cities around Europe and the world.

We publish lovingly-compiled ‘Long Weekend’ city guides to all our favourite destinations, as well as fresh and insightful feature articles on the quirkiest crazes, the most intriguing experiences and the best nightlife our boundless curiosity can uncover. (Just hover you mouse over the “Traveler Needs” tab on our top menu to browse recent posts by category). And because everyone needs to smell the flowers – and not the coffee – once in a while, we like to offset our TravelValve Odysseys with the occasional jaunt in the great outdoors in our Escape section.

City breaks are what we live for most of all, and apart from our aforementioned Long Weekend guides, we also list our favourite cities according to theme. Be sure to drop by our favourite budget breaks and romantic destinations.

Our History and Philosophy

How did this all start? Why do we feel cities are the stage of the greatest travel experiences? Why is being a multi-author blog essential to our identity? What is our mission statement? For an in-depth look at who we are, what we do and why and how we do it, head this way.

Follow Us

Our readers can catch up with our latest published posts via the TravelValve Blog home page, sign up for our RSS feed or Email Subscription, follow us on Twitter, stalk us over at Facebook and Instagram or watch the tumbleweed blowing over on Google+.

Contact Us

For the personal touch, drop us a line via email: anirnsoussrachid@gmail.com.


TravelValve Blog welcomes ideas from new writers with experience, flair and a bag full of street savviness. Take a look at our submissions guidelines and then contact the editor with any proposals. Travel photographers are also invited to get in touch. We pay!


Advertisers, brands and destinations who wish to be associated with TravelValve Blog are invited to get in touch. Throughout 2016 we have averaged 40-50,000 visitors a month (source: Google Analytics), and we have a large following on most of the major social media channels. We offer flexible advertising, and our rates are competitive. We also consider non-spammy guest posts related to travel for publication.

For all other enquiries please contact us via email: anirnsoussrachid@gmail.com.