Cat Island, Japan | When Cats Become Kings

by - February 11, 2021

ON the island of TASHIROJIMA  in the Prefecture of Miyagi of a cat outnumber people and people as it is that way.

Cat Island, Japan
Picture Copyright: Cat Island, Japan

It isn't accidental that cats who inhabit Tashirojima - or what to become known as "island of Ket" - in Japan, became the main inhabitants of the island. Cats, how long thought locals, represented good luck and good luck, and doubly therefore if you eat and care for them. Thus cats are considered as kings and though the majority is wild because as "pets" usually consider their storage inappropriate, they are fattened and well care.

Despite this, good luck and a state definitely didn't come to inhabitants - people of "island of Ket". For last 50 years the population of the island was exhausted from 1.000 less than up to 100. So more and more people avoided the island as it became in the power of animals from the cat family, people who remained became even more protective of cats. 

Now dogs aren't allowed to protect on the island wellbeing of cats - and apparently any dog, rather silly to risk on the island full of wild cats. There is even a small shrine of a cat (Neko-Jinja 猫神社 in Japanese) in the middle of the island to honor accidentally killed cat.

Cats can finish with the fact that brought good luck, after all, anyway. Tourism accepted as the island became a place of interest for curious tourists thanks to all those cats. 

Cat Island, Japan
Picture Copyright: Cat Island, Japan

Know before you go

Can be difficult to find cat food on the island therefore if you decided to bring some pleasures, decrease on a mini-market before getting on the ferry. 

It is not the only island of Ket in Japan. Other popular place - the island of Aoshima in the Prefecture of Ehime approximately with 150 cats and about dozen of inhabitants - people.

Cat Island, Japan | When Cats Become Kings

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