Lake Natron – The Scariest Lake

by - March 02, 2021

Lake Natron – The Scariest Lake

The lake Netron in Tanzania - one of the most serene lakes in Africa, but it—also a source of some of the majority of photos of phantasmagorical ever taken - images which watch as though the living animals immediately hardened.

Alkaline water in the Lake Netron has pH whole 10.5 is already caustic, it can burn skin and eyes of animals which aren’t adapted to it. The alkalinity of water arrives from a carbonate of sodium and other minerals which flow to the lake from surrounding hills. And deposits of a carbonate of sodium - which was once used in the Egyptian mummification - also, work as fantastic type of preservative for those animals, enough unsuccessful to die in Lake Netron waters.

Despite some messages of mass media, the animal simply didn’t harden and died after an entrance to contact with lake water. Actually, alkaline waters of the lake Netron support the prospering ecosystem of saline soils, freshwater boggy places, a flamingo and other near-water birds, a tilapia and seaweed which numerous packs of a flamingo eat. Now, the photographer Nick Brandt took the pursuing images of the lake and its dead in the book called “Through the Ruined Earth” (Books by Abrams, 2013). [Photos: lake Netron Brosayet Svoikh Mertvykh]

Brandt found the remains of a flamingo and other animals with the Cretaceous deposits of a carbonate of sodium depicting in general their bodies in intense simplification. “I unexpectedly found beings - all manner of birds and bats - washed up along the coastline of the Lake Netron,” Brandt in the book wrote. “Nobody knows for sure for certain as they die, but …, water has very high soda and content of salt, is so high that it would undress ink from my boxes of a film of Kodak within several seconds.”

“I took these beings when I found them on the coastline and then placed them in the ‘living’ positions, having returned them to ‘life’ as it was,” Brandt wrote, having addressed a way which he changed location of animals. “Restored to life, live again in death.”

During the reproduction period, more than 2 million small flamingos (insignificant Phoenicopterus) use the small lake as the main favorable circumstances in Africa. Nests of a flamingo are founded on small islands which are formed in the lake during the dry season.

Lake Natron – The Scariest Lake

The lake Netron—one or the other alkaline lakes in that area of East Africa; another Lake Bauchi. Both are limited lakes which don’t follow to any river or the sea; they eat hot springs and the small rivers. As small lakes in hot climate, their water temperature can reach the whole 106 degrees Fahrenheit (41 degrees Celsius).

Tranquility of the Lake Netron - and its populations with a flamingo - is threatened by the offered hydroelectric power station on the river of Ewaso Negro, the main river feeding the lake. As remote as the lake (it wasn’t even revealed Europeans till 1954) isn’t present any measures of protection on the place for the lake or its population of a flamingo which is threatened.

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