Die Rakotzbrück – The Nature’s Own Ring

by - March 02, 2021

Die Rakotzbrück – The Nature’s Own Ring

This awesome bridge of the 19th century uses its reflection to be created what to seem, be A Perfect Circle. 

The LOCATED AMONG GREEN FOLIAGE in Kromlau, the Kromlauer park of Germany, gracefully arch Chertov Bridge known as Rakotzbrücke which was specially constructed to create a circle when it is reflected in waters below it.

Authorized in 1860 by the knight of the local city, the thin arch stretching on Rakotzsee waters is approximately constructed of a various local stone. As there are a lot of so doubtful intervals across the whole Europe, Rakotzbrücke is known as “Chertov Bridge,” because of a colloquialism that such bridges were so dangerous or amazing that they have to be, were built by a Satan. While the bridge (as with everything others) was created by mortal hands, his builders, really it seemed, kept a bridge esthetic in higher relation, than its usefulness.

Any end of Rakotzbrücke is decorated with the thin mountain spires created to resemble natural columns of basalt which occur in many places in Germany. Besides, the curvature of the bridge is intended to be one half of A Perfect Circle so that when waters aren’t mobile and light was correct, it creates the illusion of a full-stone circle.

Today, the bridge can be still considered in the park, but crossing of the growing old remnant is forbidden to save it.

Updating: As of August 2019 the bridge is in process of construction, and the lake was drained. 

Die Rakotzbrück – The Nature’s Own Ring

Know before you go

The bridge is visited best of all during falling when foliage adds a surprise element to already surrealistic look. This bridge is located in the Kromlauer Park in East Germany best of all access is got, moving. While consideration of the bridge is welcomed, crossing of the bridge is strictly forbidden. As of June 2018 about the bridge reported somehow to be the object of repair.  

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