Top 50 Tips That Will Make You Travel All Over The World

by - January 24, 2021

Top 50 Tips That Will Make You Travel All Over The World
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Tip for creation of a travel easy and interesting

1: The patience is important

Patience - my main guide. Don't sweat material which you can't operate. Life is too short to be angry and angry all the time during the travel. You were late for the bus? Any cares, there will be another.

The ATM from money? Great! Undertake an unplanned road travel to the following city and investigate. I know that it can be sometimes firm, but is just deep sigh and remind itself, what could be worse.


2: Wake up early to avoid crowds

Increase before sunrise to have the best sights everything to itself, avoiding numerous tourist crowds. It is also magic time for photos because of soft diffused light, and it is usually easier to interact with the locals preparing during their day.


Do you want them a card shots of a travel of Instagram? You have to reach there before all others are found. Sketchy areas are less dangerous in the morning also. Honest hardworking people wake up early; informers and criminals sleep in …

3: Observe everyday life around you

If you really want to get feeling of pulse of the place, one of my favourite guides has to spend several hours, sitting in the park or at the corner of the busy street itself observation is simple that everyday life happens before you.


Reduce the train of thought and pay attention to details around you. Smells, colors, human interactions and sounds. It is some kind of meditation - and you will see material which you never noticed before.


Relax, and Enjoy Yourself
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Relax, and Enjoy Yourself

4: Laughter in sometimes

You will many times resemble definitely the fool, traveling to new places. Instead of being confused, laughter in itself. Be not afraid to screw up and not to treat life so seriously. Relax!


At one time the whole bus full of Guatemalans laughed with triumph when I forced the bus driver to stop so, I could urinate urgently on side of the road. Return to the bus and laughter gave with them to me new friends for the rest of a trip!


5: Slow down to enjoy your trip

Please, don't try to overflow 6 countries in 6 weeks of a travel. All good things occur when you really don't hurry to investigate. You learn about actions which aren't in your guide and meet people who seek to show you around.

I can tell honestly that ANY of my best impressions of a travel didn't occur during the first several days after arrival somewhere. Spend more time in the smaller number of places for the maximum pleasure. I promise that you will have much more the best time!


6: Be voluntarily called sometimes

Make it point voluntarily to offer a part of your time for the standing projects, traveling. Not only that it is very useful impression, but also you will learn more often about the country and its people, also getting new friends.


There is a great place under the name the Mass Offer where you can look for the most recommended volunteer opportunities around the world. Be just very careful with voluntourism and conduct your research as there are many zhulnichestvo there also.


Travel Tip: Take Lots of Photos!
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Travel Tip: Take Lots of Photos!

7: Take many epic pictures of a travel

Pay attention to this guide. You can only see these places and meet these people once in your life. Remember them forever with a large number of photos! Don't worry about similarity to "tourist". Excellent photos - tremendous souvenirs.


They cost nothing, it is easy to divide them, and they don't take the place in your baggage. Take many pictures of with other people also, they will be more important, than your shots of a card later. Just you remember that as soon as you receive the shot, it is important to leave because of a lens and actually to enjoy a look.


8: You don't become discouraged

Nothing is impossible. If you experience difficulties at the movement somewhere or performance something, not to be given. You just didn't find the best solution or met the correct person nevertheless. Don't listen to those who say that it can't be made.


The persistence pays off. I can't tell you how much times told me what what I want to make, not perhaps, only to prove it it is wrong later when I don't listen and I try anyway. What to be the worst which can occur? Failure not doomsday!


9: Escape from the zone of comfort

Problem independently to try things which usually give you a trouble. The more you do it, the it is more that the trouble will disappear. Not the traveler? Go to the bigger number of excursions. To experience the difficulties speaking with strangers? You speak with all. Frightened strange food? Eat the strangest thing which you can find.


The reason it works so well during the travel, is in because everything already so differs what to be one more new/inconvenient impression? Nobody knows who you are here, you can rethink yourself completely.


Travel Tip: Keep an Open Mind
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Travel Tip: Keep an Open Mind

10: To be open-minded

You don't judge a way of life or customs of others if differing from your own. Listen to responses with which you don't agree. It is haughty to assume that your views are correct, and other people are wrong. Sympathy of practice and placed itself in someone else's footwear.


Capture various opportunities, responses, religions, customs and interests. Ask questions. You shouldn't agree with all, but you can be surprised that you what will study from people whom you meet during the travel.

11: Get lost purposely

If you want to see parts of the city where the real people live and work, you have to go to come to see them. The best way to make it on foot - without knowing precisely where you go. Write down the name of the hotel therefore, you can catch the taxi back in case of need, then just choose the direction and begin to go.


Don't worry too much about a spotykaniye to dangerous areas also as locals will usually warn you before you receive it far. And you never know what delightful things which you will find around the following bend …


Travel Tips to Help You Plan

10: To be open-minded

You don't judge a way of life or customs of others if differing from your own. Listen to responses with which you don't agree. It is haughty to assume that your views are correct, and other people are wrong. Sympathy of practice and placed itself in someone else's footwear.


Capture various opportunities, responses, religions, customs and interests. Ask questions. You shouldn't agree with all, but you can be surprised that you what will study from people whom you meet during the travel.

11: Get lost purposely

If you want to see parts of the city where the real people live and work, you have to go to come to see them. The best way to make it on foot - without knowing precisely where you go. Write down the name of the hotel therefore, you can catch the taxi back in case of need, then just choose the direction and begin to go.

Don't worry too much about a spotykaniye to dangerous areas also as locals will usually warn you before you receive it far. And you never know what delightful things which you will find around the following bend …

Get lost purposely
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Tip of planning of a travel

12: Be flexible and don't do according to the plan

I shrink when readers ask how much days they have to spend a travel in the concrete country or the city. However, I don't know that what you will enjoy or whom you will meet. I thought that I will fly up through Nicaragua in a week or two, but finished with the fact that lived there for 4 months because I liked it so.


My council is in choosing a starting point, 1 or 2 has to - to do actions and a terminal point (or not). Then just allow the Universe to define the others. Be flexible and open to change your plans if you learn about something on the way!

13: Study several foreign words

There is no need to be fast to visit other country. However one council which I studied has to cope with several phrases in local language, can improve your impression of a travel. Hi, please, thanks, good to meet you, excuses me, sorry, and "I can take your portrait", a part of my darling.


To be inability that communicate during the travel can be sad, but to remember that it is your problem, not them. Raising of your voice magically doesn't help the Mexican to understand English. Try manual signals, images by your phone or Google Translate!

14: Take the additional credit and an ATM map

To steal your details of the cash card can exhaust, but especially if it occurs when you visit other country. If your map is frozen, stolen, or the ATM eats it, you are screwed up! If you, it appears, you don't transport reserve maps …


The important guide has to pack the 2nd bank account / the debit card plus the reserve credit card which you divide from the purse. Thus, if your purse is stolen, or your ATM map, is reduced, all of you still could have access to money during your travel.


Be Prepared for a Great Trip
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Be Prepared for a Great Trip

15: Write down the address of the hotel

Sometimes, after the long flight playing games on your smartphone, your battery could end faulty. And if you did not write down the address of where you stop how you will speak/show to the taxi driver?


So ridiculous as it sounds, I made it several times, and this awkward. Shutdown or omission to raise my phone. I would also recommend to write down your number of the room in hotel somewhere after you were registered.


16: Read the book about the country

Before you go to the new country, I recommend to read the good book about it, to learn more about history and culture before you arrive. It could be so just as the guide of Lonely Planet or perhaps popular novel by the local author.


Your impression of a travel on the earth will feel much more performance if you already know some details about area, you visit. Do not worry, all of you still will find a lot of new material, but you will have a fund to begin on.


17: Bragging is a little during the travel

I am a big fan of an inexpensive travel as it allows you to travel longer and to test more than the conquering world in which we live, but we do not waste your hardly earned money for material which you do not need. Actually you can travel many places for $50 a day without problems.


Nevertheless accommodation on the limited budget becomes old after a while. It is good (and it is exciting) to be run sometimes through your budget. Reserve several days in good hotel, go somewhere to eat at unusual restaurant or spend wild night on the city. Enjoy!


Travel Tips to Help You Pack Smarter
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Travel Tips to Help You Pack Smarter

Useful packing tip of a travel

18: Plugs for ears of a package and a mask on eyes

This guide has to be actually No. 1 in the list. I very much like my earplugs! Muffle sounds of the shouting babies, drunk Australians, the barking dogs, the hooting horns, half of the hostel, sellers of natural gas, etc. The best friend of the tourist. These are my favourite earplugs for comfort and efficiency.


Comfortable mask on eyes - other great investments to cure dzhetlag. If you look for other ideas of a gift for tourists, make sure that you checked my final guide of a gift of a travel for those tourists in your life (or, the pleasure for itself is simple!)

19: Take a scarf or Sorong with you

I, appear, I use shemagh, but sarong also work perfectly. This simple part of cotton fabric - one of my most useful goods for travel with many various practical application.


This excellent for protection against the sun, a self-made towel, transporting material around, a mask on eyes, a wrapper for the conservative countries, and many other things. I cannot tell you how many times the scarf was useful for me on my round-the-world travel.

20: Bring an own bottle with water

If you did not notice, people destroy the planet with plastic waste. Constantly purchase of bottled water when you travel, is incredibly bad for Wednesday! But tap water is not always safe any everywhere …

My council and to save money and the help keeps the environment, has to pack the filtered bottle with water on all my adventures. Thus, you can use the same bottle thousands of times again and never pay for expensive, wasteful bottled water again!


Hang Out with Locals!
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Hang Out with Locals!

21: Pack less material into the backpack

To you it isn't necessary 1/2 accessories, you think that you do to go anywhere. All of us made it. It is the right of pass for tourists slowly to become better in packing less. My first backpack made 70 liters packed full, my current bag makes only 40 liters.


As completely busy tramp, everything, than I own, is located in my backpack of a travel. If you aren't sure of packing something, you don't need it. It is also possible to buy the majority of things in your country of the direction if you find out that you need them.

22: Have spare photos of the passport

Obtaining visas to certain countries can be real pain, and some can demand several, the passport measured photos. Did you ever try to find the place which takes the picture of the passport in Tajikistan? It isn't easy!


Before you leave the native land, you will reach, the linking of passports measured photos (10?) printed is also brought to them with you, just in case. It will save to you a lot of time and skirmishes eventually.

23: Bring the additional battery of the camera

There is nothing the worst, than to be in the middle fine an opportunity photo, but powerless to take it because of the faulty battery of the camera! When I started anew to travel, it happened to me more time, than I would like to recognize.


These days I don't go without spare battery for my camera overestimated the price and ready to action anywhere. That way you are always ready to epic situations with the photo of a travel as declines of cotton candy, a meeting with the wild nature or worthy cards street places.

24: Always pack the lock

I always turn on the small lock with the code and also a thin steel cable when I travel. It is useful in many situations, for example, if you stop in hostel with the locked lockers or if you have to take the bag to something for some reasons.


I took the bag to bus places, to a tree while in a floating opening, to a sink in the sketchy room in hotel, etc. I also used them to lock the leased scooter or the bicycle. It isn't fine, but it is better than it than nothing.


25: Bring good footwear of a travel

You are going to be pedestrian walks much when you travel, especially if you want to save money. Therefore invest the capital in a good pair of shoes of a travel which is light, multiispolzut, and very convenient.


Personally, I like to bring to pair of good sneakers and also pair of sandals. If I am going to be performance of a big travel on foot in mountains, then I will also pack pair of marching boots.


26: Packing of cubes for a victory!

The attempt to save a suitcase or a backpack organized while you travel, is a big headache if you don't use


packing of cubes. These small clasped bags allow you to divide the underwear from clothes of clothes or dirty clothes from clean.


I used these packing cubes for many years and absolutely very much it am pleasant them! They take very few place, but do finding of your material so easier. Other option - compression bags which put forward all air, leaving even more number for bigger amount of material.


Travel Tips to Save You Money
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Travel Tips to Save You Money

The money saving guides

27: Reserve the cheapest flights

Flight can be frequent one of the most expensive parts of the international trip. But with practice, you can study how to reserve super cheap flights and to save tons of money. For example, having reserved 2-3 months in advance.


Subscribe to cheap alarms of the ticket, you watch costs of a mistake and you look at the alternative airports which could be near your final destination. Read my free guide to finding of cheap flights and study all last tricks!

28: Go to free walking tours

The excellent money saving the guide has to join free city walking tours when you at first arrive. These tours allow you to focus themselves in the unfamiliar city, volume some good locations of the photo to return to later, to learn the facts about the city and it is possible to get some new friends also.

Just keep in mind that tours free because the guide expects council at the end therefore be not cheap and make sure that thanked them during their time from $5-10. It is a remarkable way to save some money during the travel!


Travel Tip: Eat Local Food
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Travel Tip: Eat Local Food

29: Consume local food often

Test a little everything when you travel, especially if you don't know that what it. Ask for locals of recommendations. Eat street food from sellers with big lines the front. Consumption of street food is a tremendous way to save money while you travel!

I was only very sick twice in 9 years of a constant travel. Be not afraid of food. Hey, there is nothing incorrectly with a sovaniye in McDonald's if you feel homesick but why weeds around the world to eat the same material you can reach at home? Live it is a little!

30: Avoid Expensive Hotels & Resorts

You shouldn't stay in expensive hotels during the travel. Actually you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your trip, stopping in the bigger number of the budgetary placement as hostels, local boards or Couchsurfing - online community of people who share their sofas with strangers free of charge.


The dream in hostels of the pedestrian tourist can be also favorable to your purse as rent of a bed of the hostel costs what part, the hotel would be. $30 at night against $100 at night are really put! Plus it is a remarkable way to meet fellow travelers.

31: Cook own food

One of advantages of rest in the rented apartment or hostel - these types of placement of a travel, usually have kitchen. Do you go somewhere to eat every night when you houses? Do you think what locals do? Of course not.

One of the reasons, travel so expensive, - because we go somewhere to eat often all the time because it is convenient. You will save a lot of money if you just visit supermarket and you will cook a part of your own food while you travel. It is interesting to shop in foreign supermarkets also!

32: Use credit cards of a travel for rewards

It took me some time to enter breaking up of a travel, but now when I have, I use all this time! Generally by means of a certain travel rewards credit cards for your bills and expenses, then paying away at once, you can collect thousands of points and miles which can be redeemed for free flights, hotels, etc.


I saved thousands of dollars on free flights this way for these years. Actually only last year my wife and I paid less than $300 for two air flights from New York to Argentina there and back - economy of more than $2000.


33: Eat from tourist attractions

ALWAYS overstate the price restaurants which are conveniently near popular tourist attractions. If you want to save money on food, try to go several blocks far to eat at normal restaurant, not one adapted for tourists with the inflated prices.

Also be careful of places where the menu is written in several languages for tourists - they will also be with inflated price.


Travel Tip: Don’t Be Afraid
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Travel Tip: Don’t Be Afraid

Preventive measures of precaution of a travel

34: Be not afraid of other countries

News media very much like to report about the tourists killed or kidnapped. However the world is absolutely not also dangerous as media sort it to be. Attentively watch sketchy situations, but don't allow it to be the center of your whole trip.

Use common sense, and you will be as it should be. Understand that, "if it bleeds, it conducts". Most of people in foreign countries benevolent, deserving trust, generous, and ready to help out you. It goes for women also. I understand that I am not a woman, but I met many skilled women - tourists who agree.

35: Always receive a tourist insurance

Nobody ever thinks that they will get sick, wounded or robbed during the travel. But it occurs when you least of all expect it. During my travel I cut the head on a volcano, caught Dengue fever and lost the laptop to thieves.

With a tourist insurance you shouldn't worry about huge hospital bills or the stolen accessories when it eventually occurs. For all types of trips ranging from days off to length of several months I always recommend to accept the policy of assurance of the tourist with Safety Wing.

36: Wear that sunblock cream!

I can't tell you how much times I was outside blissfully pleasure the sun during my travel and then became awfully suntanned, having destroyed the rest of my week. Sunblock cream of wear every day even if its cloudy, or you will regret for it later because you can't sleep - or is worse, to finish with cancer of skin or other problems.


Especially, when you go to places near the equator, or at big heights, carrying sunblock cream key. Also don't forget to pack own because can be very difficult to find in some countries where it widely isn't used. It is my favourite sunblock cream after attempt of all there - one application lasts very long time!


Are You Ready for New Experiences?
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Are You Ready for New Experiences?

37: Hide additional cash for emergency situations

To cover itself with emergency situation, make sure that hid some additional cash in several various places. I recommend, at least, pair of value for one hundred dollars. If you lose the purse, your map stops working, or ATMs are left without money, you will rejoice that was made.


Some of my favourite places of concealment include dirty socks, under footwear inserts, in a bag of toilet accessories, around a backpack frame, or even sewed behind the site on your bag.

38: Back your files and photos!

When my laptop was stolen in Panama, having the majority of my important documents, and the supported photos saved my back. I met many tourists who had a hard drive, fail on them, losing thousands of invaluable photos of a travel.

In addition to photos save digital and physical copies of the passport, the driver's license, birth certificates, maps of health insurance, registration numbers and important phone numbers ready to emergency situation. Make the copy of the files and photos on the external hard drive and also online with the software as Backblaze.

39: Treat a body kindly

The travel can throw your body in failure condition. When you move from place to place, it is difficult to support the training mode, and many of us reduce. Or we don't sleep enough. Or we eat too many cupcakes. I am guilty of to cleaning tooth thread my teeth.

Don't forget to be pleasant to a body. Receive enough dream, stop hydrating, eat it is curative, use sunblock cream and train often (check this established order of body weight, any required gym!). And yes, cleaning tooth thread also I assume.

40: Receive the vaccination

The disease in other country is never interesting, and some countries have higher risk of certain diseases, than your own. Conduct the research and you learn what vaccination of a travel you, perhaps, would need for areas which you plan to visit, and to make sure that received your shots long before you leave on the trip.


Travel Tip: Get Off the Beaten Path
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Travel Tip: Get Off the Beaten Path

Solo Travel Tips

41: Travel sometimes

During the travel with friends there is a lot of interesting, alone travel when you REALLY learn about yourself and what you are made from. Going solo forces you to understand things independently, to meet new people and to be engaged in unfamiliar situations. 

You are also free to pursue actions and impressions which you really want to have during the travel without objections or restrictions from others constraining you. It is a remarkable way to study new life skills and to increase your confidence.

42: Reach in a solitude

I know that it is a cliche, but you have to do still attempt it. Look for interesting and unusual places which don't see a lot of tourism, traveling (or traveling). Many unforgettable impressions of a travel happened to me in areas which aren't easy for visiting.


At any cost go to popular places, but don't exclude other arrangements simply because they aren't on a tourist route. Though, please, understand what is simple because the area is remote or dangerous, not necessarily means that you will have a fatal impression.

43: Maintain the relations with darlings

Don't forget to call the family and friends from time to time. Perhaps, surprise them and go old school, having sent a card (it is in mail, mother!). The travel isn't lonely, by no means not. You constantly meet other people.

But the travel alone means that fleeting, many of those new relations. Someone always comes or goes. So keeping in strong connection with people who know, you best of all back home are important for the mental health.


Hanging Out with some Dudes in the West Bank
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Hanging Out with some Dudes in the West Bank

44: Make friends with locals

Make it point from time to time to avoid other tourists and a talk of the beginning with locals. One of my best guides has to make visual contact and a smile more. Perhaps, stop to ask the directions. It is a fast way to get new friends.

Besides, websites of departure as or and similar good websites of a travel to see what types of actions proceed nearby and join that. You don't hurry to dangle with locals who actually live in the country which you visit. People enrich your travel more, than sights.

45: Listen to podcasts for long trips

Tremendous podcasts. It is similar to your own personal radio station full of a show and music to which you always want to listen. I never thought that I will look forward actually to a 10-hour trip by bus. But with podcasts, it is possible (well while places are comfortable)!

Time will depart as you listen to improbable telling of stories, interesting music or fascinating interviews with experts. There are some of my favourite podcasts which I regularly play:

§  This American Life

§  The Moth

§  Tim Ferriss Show

§  Radiolab

§  Smart Passive Income

46: You say yes to a thicket

Be impulsive and tell yes, when someone in a random way invites you to meet their family, try new actions or explore the place which you didn't know, I existed. You never know that you what are absent if you don't say yes!

These unexpected and unplanned situations add spice to your travel and always turn into the best stories later. Accept kindness of strangers when you travel - you will have many opportunities to make so.

47: Visit local office of tourism

In the biggest cities there is a local office of tourism, and it is the great place for visit if you like to get some idea for things which can be made, in the area. Tell them what what you look for, and they will be glad to help.

Whether it is free actions next, places with programs for all family, or even local festivals and events which can continue at that time, office of tourism there to specify to you in the right direction.

Get Out There & Travel More!
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Get Out There & Travel More!

Travel Tips for flight

48: receive a convenient pillow of a travel

It is hard for me to sleep on planes, and I know that I am not one. Along with packing of couple an earplug as I mentioned earlier, I also recommend to be ruined for a convenient pillow of a travel as this to help me easier to fall asleep on long international flights.

49: Follow businessmen

To hate long lines of safety at the airport? Try to enter the line behind businessmen because they travel often and will know that what do. You steer clear of families because they take forever to unpack and pass through safety.

Believe me on it, I travel with the child now, and everything takes a little longer! I am sorry what it didn't make, but it does. I apologize in advance if you get stuck behind us in the line!

50: Stop hydrating

Repeatedly widespread air on planes super is dry, and sitting there within many hours can dry your body quickly. Most of people doesn't drink enough water anyway, and flight does it even worse. It promotes a dzhetlag also.

Before prosperity in the plane I recommend you preliminary hydrate, drinking liter of the water mixed with some salts of rehydration. Just don't use you the water filter with them, or he will be killed! la of flight


Exploring Verona, Italy
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Exploring Verona, Italy

Bonus Travel Tip: Travel More = Live More!

If there is one thing, I noticed for last 10 years, happens so that many people back house love to tell me how successful I, doing justifications why they can't travel.

It too expensive. They can't receive a compensatory leave. Who will feed their pets?

When I propose solutions of these "problems", all of them don't take a measure yet. Why? As they disappear often behind the true reason: they are afraid.

Unfortunately, most of people who wait to travel all over the world, never does.

You shouldn't sell all the wordly property and to become the homeless tramp as, I made. Just receive there more, than you do now. Begin with days off in other state. Then, perhaps, try week in the country in the neighbourhood.

The new car, reconstructing the project and the last iPhone can wait. If you really want to travel more, you can force it to occur. Breaks in career are possible. You have friends who would like to watch your pets.

It is the big, beautiful, fascinating, and conquering world there.

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