Topkapı Palace | Tour Guide

by - January 24, 2021

Topkapı Palace
Picture Copyright: Topkapı Palace | Tour Guide

Topkapı Palace

Mehmet Zavoyevatel constructed the first stage of the palace soon after gain in 1453 and lived to his death here in 1481. The subsequent sultans lived in this distinguished environment till the 19th century when they moved to ostentatious palaces of the European style, they were based on coast of Bosphorus.

Before you enter an imperial Exit of the palace (Beb-ı Hyumeyun), you will look at decorative structure in the paved area outside. It is the Fountain of style of the rococo of Sultan Ahmet III constructed in 1728 by the sultan who so approved tulips.

The main cash desk is in the First Court, shortly before an exit to the Second Court.

The first court

Pass through an imperial Exit in the First Court which is known as Court of Janissars or Ceremonial Court. To the left of you the Byzantine church Hagia Eirene, most often known as Aya İrini.

The second court

Average Exit (Ortakapı or Bab-yus to Cela) conducted to the Second Court of the palace used for business of run by the empire. In Ottoman times only allowed the sultan and the valid sultan (sultan's mother) through an average Exit astride. All others, including great vizier, had to dismantle.

The Second Court has fine similar to the park a situation. Unlike typical European palaces which differ in one big building with the remote gardens, Topkapı - a series of pavilions, kitchens, barracks, audience of Chambers, the booths and quarters of a dream constructed around the central investment.

Excellent Kitchens of the Palace on the right (on the East) as you enter, include special Helvahane (kitchen of a candy store). They hold a small portion of the extensive Topkapı collection of the Chinese porcelain of the seladon estimated by sultans for its beauty but also and therefore that it as considered, changed color if it is mentioned by the poisoned food.

On the left (western) party of the Second Court the decorative imperial Conference hall of council (Dîvân-ı Hümâyûn). The council met here to discuss issues of the state and the sultan sometimes, overheard through a gold lattice highly in a wall. Number to the right shows hours from a palace collection.

North of the imperial Conference hall of council External Treasury where the impressive collection of Ottoman and European arms and military equipment is shown.


The entrance to the Harem is lower than the Justice Tower on West side of the Second Court. If you decide to visit - and we very much recommend that you made they are you will have to buy the special ticket. The visitor's route through the Harem changes when numbers are closed for restoration or stabilization therefore, some areas mentioned here can be not open during your visit.

As the widespread opinion would have it, the Harem was the place where the sultan could participate in dissoluteness at will. In more prosaic reality they were quarters of imperial family, and the tradition, the obligation and a ceremony operated each detail of life of the Harem. The word 'harem' literally means 'forbidden' or 'private'.

Sultans supported the whole 300 mistresses in the Harem though numbers were usually lower, than it. After an entrance to the Harem of the girl would be trained in Islam and in the Turkish culture and language and also arts of cosmetics, a dress, behavior, music, reading, writing, an embroidery and dance. They then entered a meritocracy, at first as ladies waiting to mistresses and the sultan's children, then the valid sultan and at last - if they were especially attractive and talented - to the sultan.

To the sultan allowed the Islamic law to have four lawful wives who received the name kadın (wife). If the wife gave birth to him the son, her haseki the sultan called; if she gave birth to his daughter, haseki kadın.

Management the Harem was the valid sultan who owned often big land sobstvennost from her name and operated them through black servants of the eunuch. Capable to give orders to directly great vizier, its influence on the sultan, on his wives and mistresses, and concerning the state it was frequent deeply.

The earliest of these more than 300 numbers in the Harem were constructed during Murat III's (r 1574-95) domination; harems of the previous sultans were in the destroyed Eski Sarayı (Old Palace) about modern Beyazıt Meydanı now.

The complex of the Harem has six floors, but it is possible to visit only one of them. Approach it through the Transportation Exit. Near an exit the Hostel of the Corps of Palace guards, captiously restored two-storeyed display of structure winds the 16th magnificent and the 17th age of a tile İznik. In an exit the Dome with Cases, treasury of the Harem where kept financial accounting. Out of its Hall with the Fountain leveled with fine tiles of Kütahya since the 17th century, differing in botanical motives and inscriptions from the Quran and home to the marble block establishing a horse which is once used by sultans. An adjunction to it is the Mosque of Black Eunuchs which differs in descriptions of Mecca on its tiles of the 17th century.

Out of this number Courtyard of Black Eunuchs, Kütahya which are also decorated with tiles. Behind a marble colonnade at the left Hostels of Black Eunuchs. In the first years, white eunuchs were used, but black eunuchs sent as gifts by the Ottoman governor of Egypt later undertook management. Whole 200 lived here, protecting doors and expecting on women of the Harem.

In the distant end of the courtyard the Main Exit in the Harem and also the room of protection differing in two huge gilded mirrors. From here, the Corridor of Mistresses conducts left to the Courtyard of Mistresses and Spouses of Sultan. It is surrounded with bathtubs, a fountain of a laundry, a laundry, hostels and private apartments.

Through the Corridor of Mistresses from the courtyard number decorated with the tiled flue accompanied with Velayd Sultan's Apartments, the center of the power in the Harem. From these decorative numbers the valid sultan observed and operated her huge 'family'. Especially significant Salon Velayda Sultan with its fine frescos of the 19th century, different bucolic types on İstanbul and quite double hammam which is dated since 1585; gilded bronze rails were later addition.

By the Courtyard of Velayd Sultan magnificent number of check in with a big fireplace which leads to the lobby covered with Kütahya and tiles İznik which are dated since the 17th century. It is where princes, the valid sultan and the senior mistresses waited before entering the beautiful imperial Hall for an audience at the sultan. Constructed during Murat III's domination, the hall was under repair in Baroque style by order of Othman III (r 1754-57).

Nearby Secret Chamber III of Murat, one of the majority of magnificent numbers in the palace. Being dated with 1578, practically all its registration is original and as think, is Sinan's work. The restored three-level marble fountain was intended to give a sound of the water flowing a cascade and to prevent to eavesdrop on the sultan's conversations. The gilded covered living rooms - later additions of the 18th century.

In the neighbourhood the Secret Chamber of Ahmet III and the adjacent dining room built in 1705. The last is leveled with the wooden panels decorated with images of the flowers and fruit drawn in varnish.

Back through Secret Chamber of Murat III two of the most beautiful numbers in the Harem - the Double Booth / Apartments of the crown prince. These two numbers date approximately since 1600; pay attention to the painted canvas dome in the first number and great groups of a tile İznik above a fireplace in the second. The stained-glass window is also remarkable.

By these numbers Courtyard of Darling. On the region of the courtyard (really a terrace) you will see the big empty pool. Overlooking the courtyard tiny windows of many small dark numbers, the including cafes (cage) where brothers or sons of the sultan were imprisoned. The adjunction to it is the tiled Mosque of the Harem with the baroque of mihrab (a niche in the minaret indicating the direction of Mecca).

From here, you can follow the pass known as Golden Road and to leave in the Third Court of the palace.

The third court

The third Court is entered through Happiness Exit. Private area of the sultan, it was completed and protected by white eunuchs. Inside the Chamber of Audience constructed in the 16th century, but updated in the 18th century. Important officials and foreign ambassadors were brought to this small booth to process high case of the state. The sultan seated on a huge sofa examined gifts and proposals of ambassadors when they were passed through a doorway at the left.

Directly behind Audience Chamber - nice Library of Ahmet III constructed in 1719.

At east edge of the Third Court the Hostel of Forwarding troops which were closed for restoration during the research. When it opens again, it will provide to a rich collection of the palace the room of imperial clothes, caftans and a uniform worked in silver and gold thread.

On the other side of the Third Court Sacred Numbers of Safety. These numbers which are magnificently decorated with tiles İznik the house is a lot of Prophet's relics. When sultans lived here, numbers were open only once in a year that the imperial family did justice to the memory of the Prophet in the 15th day of sacred month of Ramazan.

Near sacred Safety of Number - the Hostel of Secret Chamber which provides the room to an exhibition of portraits of 36 sultans. A main issue - great painting of the Ceremony of the Enthronement of the Sultan Selim III (1789) by Konstantin Kapidagli.

Imperial treasury

Located at east edge of the Third Court, the Treasury of Topkapı differs in an improbable collection of the objects made from or decorated with gold, silver, rubies, emeralds, nephrite, pearls and diamonds. The building was built during Mehmet domination of the Conqueror in 1460 and was used originally in room quality of check in. It was closed for the main restoration when we last time visited.

When it opened again, look out for Syuleimen Velikolepnoye's Sword inlaid by a treasure and an extraordinary Throne of Ahmed I (differently Arife Throne) which is inlaid by nacreous and was intended by Sedefkher Mehmet to Ağa, the architect of the Blue mosque. Also don't miss the known Dagger of Treasury of Topkapı, object of criminal robbery in the movie by Jules Dassin of 1964 Topkapı. It differs in three huge emeralds on the handle and a set of hours beating. The Kasıkçı (Spoonmaker's) Diamond which is also standing search, the 86-carrat rock having the teardrop form, surrounded with dozens of smaller stones which was carried at first by Mehmet IV in his accession to the throne in 1648.

The fourth court

Pavilions of pleasure occupy the Fourth Court of the palace. They include the Booth of Mecidiye which was built by Abdül Mecit (r 1839-61) according to the European models of the 19th century. Below it the Konyalı restaurant which opens a beautiful view from its terrace, but is brought by quality and the price of its food. Steps from the Booth of Mecidiye - the Pavilion of the Chief Physician. Interestingly, the chief physician was always one of the Jewish objects of the sultan. On this terrace you will also find Moustapha Pasha's Booth sometimes called Köşkü Sofa. During domination of Ahmet III Tulip Garden out of the booth it was filled with the last species of a flower.

Up a ladder at the end of Tulip Garden the Marble Terrace, the platform with the decorative pool, three pavilions and fancy İftariye Kameriyesi, small structure, authorized İbrahim I ('Mad') in 1640 as the beautifull place to break the fast Ramazan.

Murat IV built Perefurgon's Booth in 1636 after correction of the city of Yerevan (now in Armenia) of Persia. In 1639 he built the Baghdad Booth, one of the last examples of classical architecture of the palace to mark its victory over that city. Notice its excellent tiles İznik, the painted ceiling and nacreous and tortoise incrustation. Small Number of Trimming (Sünnet Odası) was used for a ritual which allows Muslim boys to courage. Constructed İbrahim by I in 1640, external walls of chamber are decorated by especially beautiful groups of a tile.

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